Making Waves with Culture
Welcome to Making Waves, The Culture Group’s first-ever Guide to Cultural Strategy! It walks readers through the full potential of arts and culture in helping shift public sentiment toward a more just and equitable world. Making Waves defines “cultural strategy” and why it's so powerful. Read case studies that lay out how culture has flipped the script in politics and economics. And, while you're at it, learn 13 ways to engage artists in your movement. The Culture Group was a collaboration of social change experts and creative producers who joined together formally in 2010 to advance progressive change through expansive, strategic and values-driven cultural organizing. Favianna Rodriguez, Jeff Chang, Ian Inaba and Erin Potts are now affiliated with The Center for Cultural Power as board members and leaders. The Culture Group’s projects and collaborations included “Culture Matters,” a report on cultural impact and evaluation; “Culture Before Politics,” an article in The American Prospect by Jeff Chang and Brian Komar, about cultural strategy; the Artists’ Statement on Immigration Reform and MigrationisBeautiful.com; a get out the vote initiative called #GoVote that collected and distributed over 200 creative images with the hashtag #GoVote; and Art is my Occupation, which directs support to artists and cultural workers dedicated to advancing the 99%.