Movement To The Ballot Box

Aly Honoré
October 25, 2024

As election season ramps up, the Center for Cultural Power’s Movement to the Ballot Box campaign is taking bold action to protect democracy in key states. Through state-specific events and creative activations across the U.S., we are mobilizing communities to engage in the civic process. This campaign, a collaborative effort to educate, uplift, and promote social change, has partnered with key movement organizations in several states to foster deep-rooted community involvement and voter turnout.

Artwork by Jaliyah Cole

In an era where cultural narratives and public policies are more intertwined than ever, Movement to the Ballot Box is working at the intersection of art and civic engagement. We’re commissioning artists—particularly Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and queer artists—whose communities are most affected by policies on the ballot this election season. These powerful artworks serve as cultural catalysts, inspiring voters to participate in shaping the future.

Our state-specific activations are a core part of this effort, featuring grassroots collaborations and artistic contributions. We’re thrilled to recognize the tireless work of our partners on the ground in states where democracy needs defending:

  • Texas: In partnership with AVOW Texas and Deeds Not Words, we are spotlighting reproductive justice through creative public demonstrations and community-driven events aimed at engaging diverse voices.
  • Ohio: Collaborating with Higher Heights, New Voices Reproductive Justice, and the Black Voters Matter Fund, we’re activating Black women and people of color to use their voting power as a tool for justice, with artist-led rallies amplifying this critical message.
  • Georgia: Fair Count and Progress Georgia are anchoring our efforts in Georgia, combining data-driven voter outreach with narrative-shifting artwork that highlights the importance of every vote, especially in marginalized communities.

Arizona: With the Working Family Party AZ and CALA Alliance, we are focusing on economic justice and workers’ rights, using art as a vehicle for community conversation and mobilization around these critical issues.

Artwork by Margaret Braun

Our commissioned artists are central to this movement, using their creativity to inform and energize voters. Their work addresses the policies that directly impact their lives and communities, offering a personal and intersectional lens on why this election matters. These art pieces not only encourage people to vote but also spark conversations about systemic issues and the power of collective action.

We encourage organizations, community leaders, and individuals who want to join this movement to reach out to us. Whether you’re looking to amplify our message, collaborate on an event, or share our commissioned artwork, there are plenty of ways to get involved. For partnership opportunities, please contact:

Together, we’re making sure that every voice is heard and every vote counts. This election season, art and activism unite to move communities to the ballot box and protect the values we all hold dear.

We are committed to shifting the culture to be representative of our communities’ needs—one vote at a time.

If you’d like to learn more about Movement To The Ballot Box or are interested in attending any of the activations in the key states listed above, more info can be found under "Additional Resources" below!

Artwork by Claudio Rodriguez

Additional Resources