Delegation Sparks Creativity and Action on the Border
In 2011, CultureStrike hosted our first ever artist delegation to the Arizona border featuring visual artists, musicians, film makers and comedians. Through this gathering, CultureStrike organized hands-on learning around current migrant rights issues and provided a space for far-reaching cultural strategy. More than 50 cultural workers from around the country gathered in the wake of the country’s most draconian anti-immigration bills, Arizona’s SB1070. Artists drew inspiration and determination from local organizers on the ground and from momentum generated by artist activations and interventions. “CultureStrike: In the Heart of Arizona” is a report on our first delegation which describes how the first wave of art activism against SB1070 gave this group momentum. “Even as artists responded to a specific piece of legislation, they imagined another world with an alternate approach to the issue of migration, one premised on dignity, inclusion and compassion. Their impact demonstrated culture workers’ capacity to win over hearts and minds, and to invigorate movements.” This first delegation of artists to the US/Mexico Border in Arizona gave birth to CultureStrike as an artist-centered and movement-oriented organization. Artists harnessed their leadership by planting a seed to grow a movement with art and culture at the vanguard of social, political, and culture change. Read the report to learn more about the delegation’s roots, visions, goals, objectives and the personal stories that led to action and solidarity.