2023 #BeyondStatus Short Film Showcase!
After TWO years of waiting, we’re only days away from launching our 2023 Beyond Status Short Film Showcase! We couldn’t be more thrilled for the opportunity to exhibit a series of short form films produced by The Center for Cultural Power, and written and directed by migrant storytellers who, in their own artistic expression and method of storytelling, aim to construct new narratives about who they are as migrants in today’s political and personal contexts. This digital experience is led once again by our own phenomenal lead content creator Jesús Iñiguez, an undocumented filmmaker himself, and will be co-hosted by Afro-Dominican actress, and Netflix’s Gentefied star, Julissa Calderon.
During the showcase, you’ll witness for yourself the brilliant and creative shorts that serve to not only showcase the imagination and lived experiences of the filmmakers, but reintroduce narratives around migration that aren’t burdened by bias. Join us alongside the creators as we usher in a practice of storytelling that doesn’t seek to reform a broken immigration system, but unapologetically envisions lives that burgeon beyond it.
Each of the five creators brings films to the table that leave our spirits feeling full, and we hope you pull up a chair THIS THURSDAY - March 23rd to join us!
RSVP at beyondstatus.us today!
- Alejandra Quiroz - Searching…
- Armando Ibañez - Hola, Santiago
- Danyeli Rodriguez del Orbe - Mejor Allá
- Dorian Gomez - Refugio
- Jess X. Snow - I Wanna Become The Sky