Carving Through Borders: Armengod
Santiago Armengod
Carving Through Borders
Originally hand-carved by Santi Armengod on a large 3’x7’ wood block, this print is the digital version scaled down to 13”x27.5” inches. The original digital prints were printed as 12"x18". In this print, you can see more of the fine detail that is the work of Santi from the original wood block. A truly outstanding piece.
About the artist:
Santi Armengod (a.k.a. Mazatl) is an activist and artist who lives in Mexico where he partakes in several collectives seeking social/political/environmental justice. His art is inspired by the work individuals and collectives do to shake off the noose around our necks. He is a Member of the Justseeds Artists' Cooperative and the Escuela de Cultura Popular Martires del 68.