Tony Francis

Treasurer, Senior Program Manager, Google

Born in Palo Alto, CA,  Tony spent the vast majority of his youth in the southern part of the US, growing up in both Louisiana and Alabama -- which he claims as home.  He is an alumnus of Morehouse College where he earned his BA in Accounting and earned his MBA from Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, TX.  

Since fall 2014, Tony has enjoyed working in Finance at Google and is currently a Sr. Program Manager running the global Early Career Programming for the Finance department.  Tony's decision to leave traditional finance and take on his current role was motivated by his passion for coaching and caring for the development of young professionals.  Tony has served as a Global Lead for the Black Googler Network and sits on two non profit Boards as Their Treasury, the Center for Cultural Power and Youth Speaks.

Prior to joining Google, Tony maintained 11 years of progressive accounting and finance experience at various organizations including Xerox, CEC Entertainment (a.k.a. Chuck E Cheese) and PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC).